Tips for working remotely from home

  • Have a designated area to work from – free from distraction
  • Set a schedule to keep yourself on track. Make sure you have your hours of operation in place. Establish and stick with your morning routine, this is important to remain energized and productive.
  • Make sure you have a notebook or a way to write down your daily tasks to stay productive.
  • <span”>Minimize as much distraction as you can in order to stay productive – this can include having your house cleaned up around you. A sink full of dishes can be very distracting</span”>
  • Get up and move around. Keep active, get fresh air.
  • Make sure to charge all of your devices each evening.

Tips for working with kids and pets in the home

  • Try to develop some sort of schedule for your kids.  You don’t want them sitting in front of the TV for 8 hours a day.  Set specific times for shows/reading/games/naps/outside time (weather permitting).
  • Have specific times that you plan on checking in on the kids. Make sure they aren’t burning down the house!
  • Have designated play areas that can separate you from the noise of playing children.
  • Keep pets occupied with toys so they don’t distract you. Keep things that make noise out of their reach!
  • Lock them out of the area you are working in.
  • If you are going to be stuck inside with them try getting walks in over lunch or before work so that your dogs will be more tried and willing to lay quietly at your feet.

Tips for staying active and healthy while working remotely

Working from home can make getting any sort of exercise hard. Sometimes even getting out of your seat can be a challenge. Luckily there are some exercises you can do around your desk to make sure you keep your body moving. Here are some basic body weight exercises that can increase your blood flow and help lower your risk for heart disease!

  • Squats – These are great for your entire body as it incorporates your core and legs. You can use your chair as the low point and stand up. Do these 10x and you will be feeling it.
  • Lunges – These can either be done in place or you can go down the hallway and back. Try and do 10 on each leg.
  • Push Ups – This is another great exercise. You can either use the wall, your desk or make it really challenging and do them on the floor.
  • If you are not up to doing exercises, just simply get out of your seat – even stretching can help benefit your health.
  • Here are some additional exercises you can do at your desk.

Your mental well-being is just as important as your physical. In fact, many times, your mental health can affect your physical health. With so many people experiencing loneliness, depression and anxiety during this time of isolation, we wanted to share the following tips to help you navigate this time of uncertainty. 

  • Stay informed and take practical steps to protect yourself and loved ones. Get the facts from trusted sources such as the CDC, the World Health Organization, your local health department, and NCOA. Do not stay glued to the news as this will only worsen the distress you may be feeling right now.
  • Engage in healthy activities: Get 7-9 hours of sleep each night; eat a healthy, well-balanced diet; do not smoke; drink no more than 1 alcoholic drink per day or none at all, per your doctor’s instructions; and, finally, exercise your body and mind. Meditation, walking, gardening, and doing exercise routines in your home are all beneficial to your mental health.
  • Make sure you have at least a one-month supply of the prescription and over-the-counter medications you need to manage your mental health and other on-going conditions. Take all your medications as directed by your health care providers. 
  • Stick to regular routines as much as possible. You may need to create a new routine to account for working at home, exercising indoors, caring for grandchildren, cleaning, and other daily activities. Integrate old and new enjoyable hobbies into your daily routine.
  • Stay connected with your family, friends, and other support networks (faith, hobbies, etc.). Having someone to talk to about your needs and feelings is vital for mental health. Make a commitment to contact at least one person per day for continued social connection through telephone, or e-mail, video conference, and social media, if you have Internet access. Consider asking one person to be your support buddy and have daily check-ins. If you are a member of a peer support group, stay connected through the telephone or a video platform such as Zoom. Many groups, such as Alcoholics Anonymous, are moving meetings to digital platforms.
  • Try as much as possible to be positive and relish the simple things in life. So many people across the country are helping their neighbors and communities during this crisis. After this pandemic is over, it is hopeful that we will be stronger, kinder, and more connected with each other.
  • Help others, through peer support, neighbor checking, and childcare for medical personnel restricted in hospitals fighting against COVID-19 when safe to do so. Helping others gives us a sense of purpose and feelings of control during these uncertain times.

Here are some additional Mental Health Resources:

National Alliance for Mental Illness (NAMI)
Contact your NAMI Affiliate to find out what types of programs and supports they offer.

National Suicide Prevention Lifeline
Free and confidential support and resources, 24/7.

Disaster Distress Helpline
1-800-985-5990 or text TalkWithUs to 66746
A toll-free, 24/7, multilingual, and confidential crisis support service, available to all U.S. and U.S. territory residents. Run by the Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration (SAMHSA).

Finally, here are some additional resources for you to check out

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